Thursday, February 28, 2013

SPRI FFT-LR Fit For Travel (Light Resistance)

Sports & Outdoors
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2013-02-28 23:02:37.377367-05
SPRI FFT-LR Fit For Travel (Light Resistance) Category: Sports & Outdoors
Vendor: Portable kit offers everything you need for a rubber resistance strength training while traveling Green (light) Xertube for upp
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Product Description : Product Description : Don't let travel stop you from working out. The portable SPRI Fit for Travel kit offers everything you need for a rubber resistance strength training workout wherever you roam. This kit includes a green (light resistance) Xertube that works the upper body and a yellow (very light resistance) Xering that works your legs, hips, and buttocks. The easy-to-follow, illustrated Xertube and Xering Exercise Guide provide a professional-quality workout you can do anywhere with just these versatile fitness tools.About SPRISPRI Products, Inc. is the leading manufacturer and distributor of rubberized resistance exercise products for the health and fitness industry. SPRI designs and produces innovative rubber resistance exercise products and has led the way in popularizing rubberized resistance workouts. As the pioneer of this simple, but effective method of strength training, toning and building lean muscle tissue, SPRI has remained on the cutting edge of today's exercise trends. SPRI continues to expand into related markets as new applications are discovered and professional and consumer interest builds. As the fitness industry continues to evolve and move toward convenience and affordability, SPRI

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